Tuesday, 11 October 2011

What a call can do!

It's hot, and my daughter is not well, crying and bitching about everything... I'm taking her to school and she asks to be lifted while we walk... not a very comfortable thing to do with a handbag on one shoulder, a tiny school bag of clothes on her back and a lunch bag filled with food and drink... especially in the blistering morning sun that has been ever so present these past couple days!  I drop her off to the day care and wish there was something else I could do to prevent her from ever having to cry from separation anxiety...  I walk out of the school with a heavy heart and tears in my throat... feeling overwhelmed with it all.  Walking out to get a taxi and thinking about the fact that my son has to pick her up after school and bring her to my office, was even worse.  I really felt like crying!  She is not well and I have to bring her to a cold building, when she could be at home, resting, relaxing and playing.  Very hesitantly, I get into a taxi and head to the office... there's traffic!!  Tremendous numbers of cars just going nowhere!  Urrggghhhh.. what a morning!  What a fricking life!! 

Then my phone rings... and its him.. saying that he just wanted to hear my voice this morning!  Suddenly, everything seems easier! 

How the heck is that possible?  Being the analyst I am, I want to know why?  Why does having a phone call from someone you are into, make such a big difference in a situation that seems horrible?  Anybody got answers?

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